Welcome. We are DAS, De Ambitieuze Student (The Ambitious Student)
University Council
The party of DAS represents all ambitious students with a say in the University Twente and has a direct support of several sports- and student associations.
Designing education
DAS gives students the ability to contribute to the design of future education: creating whole new studies even.
More than just a party
DAS does not just exist of ambitious students, but also represents all entrepreneurial students whom are active outside of their studies. DAS offers a platform to help students whom have problems with everything around studying.
Few students know about the university council and how this works, even though many might have questions about the UT and its education. DAS offers informative talks to these students.
Bridge for students
Our mission is simple: create a bridge between studying and student life. DAS knows the students and provides a link between students and the managing board site of student life.
Ambitious students
Ambition knows many forms: pro-athletes, students doing board years and organisors of big events are just few of the many examples. DAS is an ambassador of these entrepreneurs.
Party programme
Our party programme has been updated again! Curious as to what we stand for?
Download it now here!

DAS is dedicated for the quality of studying, making education more flexible, for a better connection between modules and a clear communication between studies. You as a student should not have to worry about the structure of your study, or the way your exams, grades and deadlines are being handled. That’s why DAS was created, to be the connection between students and policy.

Every student is ambitious, whether you’re a pro-athlete, doing a committee or board year, having an interesting side job, or organising a big event or project; ambition is broader than you could imagine. DAS is the ambassador of ambition and wants to support students to be able to self-develop besides their study. The choice should not be picking either side, but rather the combination of both.

In the past years, our UT has become richer in many diverse cultures and preferences. A nice development if it is handled correctly. DAS believes that the university should make every effort to ensure that all students are able to work, exercise and study well at the university. We also believe that subsequently the associations themselves have the responsibility to tackle internationalization internally. A central policy seems to be working against it, and an appropriate policy will therefore be sought in collaboration with sports, culture, and entertainment associations.
Love for the club
Whether you’re doing a board year, organising, connecting, working together, swimming, rowing, jumping, playing hockey, football, volleyball: DAS represents you!

In the eyes of DAS, student activism is the most important way in which students can develop alongside their study. Whether this is a board, committee, top sport or part-time job, everyone should be given the space to develop themselves personally, to the best of their ability. Self-development also adds a lot to your future career opportunities.
Student wellbeing

A student’s life is very busy. In addition to the compulsory study, we also focus very much on extracurricular activities at this entrepreneurial university. Increased pressure due to the introduction of the loan system, along with the rich range of associations, has led to many students being able to push the boundaries of their own. DAS is of the opinion that the university must guard for the welfare of its students, but also that the university does everything it can to make students feel at home where this is not yet the case.

Our university is elected the most entrepreneurial university in the Netherlands, where we often have a focus on social interest. The university is gradually implementing a sustainability policy, but the university is not clear about how this will be done. DAS advocates a total transition to green energy, more solar panels, and a sustainable infrastructure.