In 2018 I started studying at the University of Twente, and after one year I decided to switch to another study programme and thus another faculty. I had found my place quite quickly in Enschede and decided to become a member of student association A.S.V. Taste. In my second year, I joined Damesdispuut Nefertiti. For Taste, I am part of multiple committees and I am having the best time there; I love being active in the student life outside of my study programme. In the relatively short amount of time that I have been in Enschede, I have met so many fun people and have learned and developed so much, I think every student deserves that! I have decided to become an active member of DAS because I think everyone should be given the space and time to develop themselves through extracurricular activities. Whether it’s at a sports association, being part of a committee, or taking the time to do a board year; everything should be possible. Each and every student should follow their ambitions and be able to distinguish themselves from other students in the same field. Together, we can make sure of that!
Your ambition is our vision!