(c) Milou Gankema, milougankema.nl

Mirjam Davidse

In 2018, I came to Enschede and started with my study Technical Medicine at the University of Twente. As soon as I settled here, I wanted to see what Enschede had to offer regarding the student life outside my study. I found that associations are a great way to meet lots of people at once. During the Kick-In, I came in contact with people at ASV Taste and decided to join. That decision ensured a lot of social contact at the beginning of my study, which caused I felt at home in Enschede quite soon after I came here. I also had the possibility to challenge myself in new ways at ASV Taste by doing multiple committees. DAS stimulates this, not only by supporting the associations, but also by supporting students in general by getting the most out their time as a student. I as well think ambitious students should have the possibility to take their own initiatives and develop on personal parts outside their study, for instance by joining a Dreamteam or by doing a plus- or honoursprogram. A lot of these extracurriculair activities are not really common, because lots of students don’t know they exist. I think that’s a shame, because there are so many possibilities to develop yourself at the university or at associations. That’s why I hope that together we can make it easier for students to reach these possibilities and become the ambitious people they long to be. That is why I joined DAS. Vote DAS!

Mirjam Davidse (1999) is now in her third year of studying Technical Medicine at the UT. She is active at A.S.V. Taste in multiple committees. Also, she is part of the board of the sorority Spooky and works at the university at the Techmed Centre.