Saikiran_Tekengebied 1

Saikiran Samudrala

Hola, this is Saikiran, a mechanical engineering student who is fortunate enough to experience the awesomeness of student life at UT. For the past years, I am active at different levels of activism starting from a committee to a board member of the Student Union. In the first year, I was part of Vesting bar, Indian student association and Connecting hands which made me the most active student in 2018. Later, I was part of UniTe, an umbrella association for World associations. Throughout the past years, I discovered my passion for an active student campus grows together with the University, which motivated me to join DAS to influence at the policy level of the university. With DAS I want to be the voice of equal opportunities and healthy/stress-free student life for every one of us. I believe a university should be the place where a student feels comfortable and drive towards their passion, as ‘We have a whole life to learn but you can only be a student once’.

Let’s do this!

Saikiran Samudrala, (you can call him Dave) is ‘little’ bit districted from his master’s in Mechanical Engineering here in Enschede. He came from India to proudly become a member of “De Gevreesde Koe” aka vestingbar. Where he helped to organize awesome events on campus, he was also a board member of the Indian Student Association in 2017-18. Later was a board member of UniTe, an umbrella organization for world associations in 2018-19. Then he joined the board of the Student Union in 2019-20. Sai /Dave is closely involved with improving student wellbeing at UT and also helps international student associations in organizing multi-cultural activities at UT.